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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2



I am new here and I do not speak English very well, so I will try to do my best to be understood.

SubReport2.DrillDownComponent I want to assign the name of the variable that will allow to click and also I want to avoid that they can click.

I have used this line:
SubReport2.DrillDownComponent: = ShowIF;

ShowIF is a label that is shown to be able to click, but it does not work for me.

thank you, help me with this




  • Hi Ernesto,

    Which version of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using? Which events are you using to toggle the visibility of the label?

    I suggest taking a look at the drill-down examples provided in the main reports demo installed with ReportBuilder for a base of how drill-down reports work.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico

    Thanks for responder.

    I made a report that has a parameter that gives the option to show a subreport or not if it is checked, and shows that subreport according to the line that has data.

    If it is not checked, I want the report to show me the label of the option to show that subreport, which will be seen according to the line that is clicked.

    The RB version is 18.01 and it is managed from an administrative program called SAINT (www.saintnet.com) of which I am an authorized channel.

    Best regards,

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