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Rich text with images and tables

some time ago there was a message about ReportBuilder supporting DevExpress RichEditControl which ended nowhere. Unfortunatelly I am having hard time printing that RichEdit content through their printing system and I was wondering, since version 20 You support images in RichEdit (only from W2W richedit?) if there is any chance to print out a RTF file made by Windows 10 WordPad which contains an image or two and some table amongst text?

Best regards,
Goran Brumen
Audax d.o.o.


  • Hi Goran,

    See the following article on current RichText support in ReportBuilder. This has not changed for RB 20.

    We will consider enhancing this for other third party RTF controls in a future release. Thanks for the feedback.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,
    thank You for the answer. I was hoping that new component is not needed since (at least) Windows 10 natively already supports RTF with tables and images but okay, I'll try to find some solution. I will keep fingers crossed that RTF in RB will support images really soon.

    Best regards,
    Goran Brumen
    Audax d.o.o.
  • Hi Goran,

    As the article I referenced states, the ReportBuilder RichText component is a wrapper around the Delphi TRichEdit control. This means it would be up to Embarcadero to enhance their TRichEdit component first, then those features would be passed on to the RB component.

    This is also why InfoPower is able to work with RB. InfoPower creates a TRichEdit descendent that will inherently work with the RB wrapper. The DevExpress component is not a TRichEdit descendent so it will not function with the RB wrapper.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi,
    I got a permission to choose one of the components You suggest to buy and use with our application. With the newest TdxRichEditControl from DevExpress all of them are having problems. TRichView and WPTools are being tested but I am not sure if the InfoPower components and integration even works. I made everything according to the Readme file in the RBuilder\Infopower folder but I see no new component, nor does the standard DB RichEdit show any image. All of these components I am now testing are trial versions. The question is how do I know that integration of InfoPower has succeded? I am using RB 19.03.

    Best regards,
    Goran Brumen
    Audax d.o.o.
  • Hi Goran,

    I have the InfoPower plugin installed on multiple versions of Delphi on my machine and it is functioning correctly. There is no new component added to ReportBuilder, it simply replaces the existing TppRichText component.

    Be sure you have ppWWRichEd in your uses clause in order to register the plugin at runtime. Also, be sure this file is in your library path (\RBuilder\InfoPower). If you are still unclear if the IP component is being used, you can place a break point inside the constructor of the TppWWRichEdit class to be sure.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,

    thank You very much for help. I've done as You proposed and indeed the breakpoint in ppWWRichEd.pas did it's job but no images were printed. With components from WPTools and TRichView I got images and tables. Seems that later two components do (better) understand RTF written by DevExpress' dxRichEditControl.

    Thank You and best regards,
    Goran Brumen
    Audax d.o.o.
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