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PDF A3 (ZugFerd) and Attachments

Dear Support,
I am using actually using RB 19.03.

I can create PDF A3 Format. But my problem is, how about creating the xml structure or better called: How can I attach the XML Structure for ZugFerd PDFs onto the PDF document?
After my search I only found a description how i can edit the Metadata.

Is there a demo compilation for that?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Christopher,

    ReportBuilder provides PDF/A3 and PDF/A3-ZUGFeRD options. If you wish to export with the ZUGFeRD standard, you will need to use the later option. (PDFSettings.PDFAFormat property)

    The XML invoice is provided by the user. Attach it to the PDF file using the PDFSettings.Attachments property (see the help for more information).

    I highly suggest updating to RB 20 as it includes a number of improvements over RB 19 and ZUGFeRD export.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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