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Background color subreport tabs in design mode

Is it possible to change the background color of the subreport tabs? The selected tab is drawn with a blue background and letters in white font. The non selected tabs are drawn with a blue background with letters in black font. The non selected tabs are hard to read.


  • Hi Mathieu,

    One option is to change the theme of the designer to better match your needs. This can be done using the View | Themes option in the designer main menu.

    In code, you can delve deep into the designer properties to access the tabset for subreports in the TppDesignWorkSpaceView. See the following code for an example:
    procedure TForm2.ppDesigner1Show(Sender: TObject);
    ppDesigner1.Form.LayoutManager.WorkspaceView.ReportTabs.SelectedColor := clRed;
    ppDesigner1.Form.LayoutManager.WorkspaceView.ReportTabs.UnselectedColor := clBlue;

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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