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Class TdaDataModule not found

edited January 2003 in Server
I created a simple report using DBExpress and Oracle 8i. I'm running Delphi
7 and RB 7.01. I created a simple Thin client application (TrsClientReport,
TrsClientReportExplorer). When I run the thin client I can see the reports
from the report server, I am using file based report serving, but when I run
the report this is the message I get.

Server Error: Processing request for report TempusOne Reports\Test Report
EReportLoadFromFileError, Class TdaDataModule not found.

I included the daDataModule unit in my uses clause for the Client Form.
Here's my uses clause:

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, ppFormWrapper, rsClientReportExplorer, ppComm, ppRelatv, ppProd,
rsStreamedReport, rsClientReport, daDataModule;

Any ideas?

Luis Pagan
Tempus Software


  • edited January 2003

    This error pertains to the server - where the report is executing. Any
    classes that are used by the reports on the server, need to be included in
    the report server application.

    You need to add daDataModule to the server and you need to add the
    appropriate DADE Plug-in unit for dbExpress - daDBExpress:

    daDataModule, daDBExpress;

    Tech Tip: Understanding Server Error Messages

    Exception messages prefixed with 'Server Error' imply that an error occurred
    on the server, rather than the client or web tier. When an error occurs on
    the Server, the exception is passed back to the client application and
    displayed in either an exception dialog box for a thin-client application or
    a web browser error page for a webtier application.

    For example:

    "Server Error: Processing request for report TempusOne Reports\Test Report
    EReportLoadFromFileError, Class TdaDataModule not found."

    The above error indicates that an error occurred on the server while
    attempting to process a request for a report called
    TempusOne Reports\TestReport. The "EReportLoadFromFileError" indicates that
    the error occurred while trying to a load a report from file. Specifically,
    the Class TdaDataModule could not be found.

    To fix the problem, the report server application needs to be recompiled
    with daDataModule in the uses clause:


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.