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ReportBuilder 21.04 is now available

edited September 2022 in Announcements
Digital Metaphors Corporation releases ReportBuilder 21.04!

ReportBuilder 21.04 includes VCL support for Delphi 11, Delphi 10.4, Delphi 10.3, Delphi 10.2, Delphi 10.1, Delphi 10, Delphi XE8, XE7, XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 7.

Overview: http://rbwiki.digital-metaphors.com/general/whats-new/rb-21/

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/download/pdf/NewFeatures.pdf

New RB Software Subscription, see the following link

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order

Upgrade now!

Bug Fixes for RB 21.04

- Fix for rendering transparent RichText w/font color white
- RichText Editor, Added public properties: Menu, Toolbar, Statusbar
- Parameters Editor, Fix AV can occur when add Parameter
- PageStyle Menu, Disable PrintHeight menu option (enforce phStatic)

- Viewer, Update Report.CurrentPage when exporting to file
- Preview, Hide email button when no plugins registered

- Export File Dialog, Single Page option now shows current report page
- Export File Dialog, missing label for page range

- Fix BackgroundSettings case Brush.Color = clWhite and Style = bsSolid
- PageStyle, Enforce PrintHeight phStatic

- Label/DBText, Fix case when WordWrap True and AutoSize False
- Label/DBText, Fix case for right aligned text, AutoSize False
- Report, Optimization for Report.PassSetting prop setter method
- BarCode, Code 128 - added Tab char support and Ord(Char) range 0..31
- Variable, Optimization for SystemVariable.VarType prop setter method
- RichText, Fixes for Delphi 11 rendering
- PDFComponent, Fix scaling memo where some lines filled with spaces
- PDFComponent, Support updating PDFFileName during report generation
- PDFComponent, Removed code that set page margins to 0 (not needed)
- D11 InfoPower TppwwRichEdit, set wwRichEdit.MSVersion to 4 (MSftEdit.dll)

- Stand-alone email feature raises an exception
- Suppress sending when no plugins are registered

- Graphics, Fix Memo scaling where some lines filled with spaces
- Xlsx/XLS, When export null as empty string, set DisplayFormat to ''
- PDF, Fix PDF line accuracy
- PDF, Fix border line issue when exporting TableGrid to PDF
- PDF, Bullet points in RTF were not displaying in PDF
- PDF, Some RTF Unicode text not displaying correctly in PDF
- PDF, Large signature files caused PDF corruption
- PDF, Improved error messaging for Font embedding
- PDF, Remove object references and XRef after job ends (improves stability)

------ Professional -------

- SQL, Mod to ProcessParameters to avoid naming conflicts

- ItemList, added support for high dpi images list

------ Enterprise ---------

- None

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