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Issues with 21.04


I installed 21.04 to solve an issue with DBRichText not underlining. (Using Delphi 10.3 Update 3)

This worked. However there are now other problems being caused by 21.04

1. In the report designer when editing a rich text memo and trying to close the "Do you want to Save" message gets hidden behind the editor giving the impression everything has 'frozen'. Alt Tab brings the message to the front but obviously this shouldn't be happening.

2. Also in the report designer the Data / Calc / Design / Preview tabs are randomly hidden along with all the menus. I have to turn on Report Outline in the Report Tree and select a different dataset for them to reappear.

I have had to revert to 21.03.

Please advise

Rhonda Ridge


  • Hi Rhonda,

    Please download RB 21.04 Build 2 using the information provided
    by original email.

    When installed, the Designer Help | About will specify

    'Version 21.04 Build 181'

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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