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Not able to edit the Report builder SQL

We have migrated our application from delphi 4 to delphi 10.4. In delphi 4 we were using BDE and migrated it with Firedac in Delphi 10.4. For Delphi 10.4, using report builder 21.05 in our delphi application.In delphi 10.4 with Report builder 21.05, When we try to open the report and edit the sql of report and save it we are getting following error While in delphi 4 with BDE we are able to edit and save the updated SQL.

Invalid SQL statement.

TdaFireDACDataSet.GetFieldsForSQL: Database property is nil

I have attached the image "img2.JPG" below:


I have recorded the video with filename huk-xfsn-khx to replicate the issue:


  • Hi Rajeev,

    The error implies no database has been assigned for the DADE plugin being used (FireDAC). You can either assign the database using the TppDesigner.DataSettings.DatabaseName property or in the File | Data Settings... menu option in the "Data" tab of the designer.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2023
    Hi Nico,
    I tried as you suggested but still getting same error.

  • Hi Nico,
    As you have suggested to assign database using the TppDesigner.DataSettings.DatabaseName property or in the File | Data Settings... menu option in the "Data" tab of the designer. But it does not worked in our application.

  • HI Rajeev,

    How did you migrate your reports from BDE to FireDAC? This would involve manually editing the template source to alter all the QueryDataViews to the proper connection plugin.

    See the following article on how to migrate from BDE to ADO. The same concepts will apply when migrating from BDE to FireDAC.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2023
    Hi Nico,

    I have tried the steps as mentioned in the article. But when I am trying to convert the template (example.rtm attached in below link) using conversion tool it gives the error "Invalid stream format". We have also changed the QueryDataview from BDEQueryDataview to FiredacQueryDataview. We have followed article of ReportExplorer database tables and convert them to ascii text and .rtm file but getting same error.

    example.rtm file is attached in following link:

    Can we have a working session with you?

  • Hi Rajeev,

    Converting from one connectivity to another can be difficult in some cases as it is usually not as simple as replacing a few class names.

    1. Choose one of your existing BDE reports and recreate it by hand from an empty report in RB using FireDAC. Be sure the report runs as it should.

    2. Save the new report as ASCII text to .rtm and compare the differences between that template and the original BDE report.

    3. Use these differences when creating your conversion parser. Test your conversion tool on the BDE report first and be sure it works. Then try with other reports.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hi Nico,
    Thanks for your suggestion. But we are not have a much hands on Report builder .
    1. Do you have any premium service and what are the charges.
    2. If yes, as part of the premium service we would like to convert our 8 reports. (Migrating Report template for Report builder V.5 to V.21 using Firedac connectivity).
    Also provide training on creating reports from scratch. ( Delphi+ Oracle).

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