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The process cannot access the file because it's being used by another process (when emailing PDF)

After moving from RB 7.04 for Delphi 7 to RB 21.0 for delphi 7, the same code is having issues emailing reports in certain scenarios. An access violation is given when trying to send and email with the report attached and the exception message is literally:

"Cannot open file xyz.PDF" the process cannot access the file because it's being used by another process

I've gone through a few similar discussions and have changed various TppReport settings to no avail.

Any ideas? Thanks!


  • Any idea on this one? This is the same person but different account (new email).
  • Hi Andrew,

    ReportBuilder 7 did not support native emailing or export to PDF. Were you using third party libraries to accomplish these tasks with the older version?

    I will need more information about your RB 7 app and the code it is using in order to understand what is happening.

    1. How are you emailing the report? Are you using Indy to connect directly to a SMTP server?

    2. How are you exporting the report to PDF? If you are using the native PDF export (introduced with RB 9), do you have the OpenFile property set to True?

    3. If you are able to create a simple example using the latest version of ReportBuilder, please send it to support@digital-metaphors.com in .zip format and I'll take a look at what is happening.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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