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PDF to large

Hi, is there a method to compress a PDF generated via the REPORTBUILDER a bit more? We have the problem that we need a PDF with fonts included but at the same time it is exported a bit too large. What can we do?
Thanks in advanced


  • Hi Matthias,

    Which version of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using?

    - Be sure you are using embedded font subsets (PDFSettings.EmbedFontOptions).

    - Use the compression settings to increase the compression of images and content streams. PDFSettings.CompressionLevel, PDFSettings.ImageCompressionLevel.

    - Reduce the number of fonts used in your report. Each font used (including Bold and Italic fonts) is embedded into the PDF file causing an increase in the file size. If font embedding is required, reducing number of fonts used, can greatly reduce the PDF file size.

    - Scale large images. If you are embedding large images inside a report, you can try scaling them using the PDFSettings.ScaledImageDPI property (RB 22).
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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