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Select miniature

edited February 21 in General
Hi all,
there is the possibility to see the selected miniature of page that report is showing (for example border lines)?
Best regards,



  • Hi Sergio,

    I'm unclear about your request. Are you referring to thumbnails of each page? You can enable this using the ThumbnailSettings of the report.

    Perhaps more information about exactly what you need would be helpful.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Yes, the ThumbnailSettings. I can't find it
  • edited February 23
    Hi Sergio,

    TppReport.ThumbnailSettings. This is a published property so it is available from the Object Inspector as well as in code. The Thumbnails can be viewed in the same window as the Report Outline by toggling the tab at the top.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • How can I add picture to message?
  • I haven't PageHighLigth (TPen) and Thumbinail tsSmall
  • ThumbnailSettings.Enabled = True
    ThumbnailSettings.Visible = True
    ThumbnailSettings.DeadSpace = 30

    and this is what I have in my RTM file
  • Also, how can I delete the personalization in the header of the screen?
  • Hi Sergio,

    1. Which version of ReportBuilder are you using? It's possible the properties are not available in your version.

    2. It is not possible to directly upload pictures to this forum. You can add links to your images using the image icon.

    3. >>how can I delete the personalization in the header of the screen?
    Is this a question relating to Thumbnails or a new question? Are you referring to the preview window? Please be more specific.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Thanks Nico, I think the problem is just the old version that I have.

    Version 17.02 build 149
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