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Stripping Quotes/Commas in OnSaveText

edited May 2017 in RAP
I'd like to remove all formatting (quotes and commas) when I save report
data to a text file. OnSaveText looks like the best place to do this
but it appears StringReplace is not implemented in RAP;

Id like to do something like -

Text := StringReplace(Text,'"','',[]);

What's the easiest way to remove the formatting while the data is being
saved to file if it can't be done with StringReplace in RAP ?

Delphi 2007 / RB Server 12.04 / Oracle 12C


  • edited May 2017
    Hi Jon,

    I will add StringReplace to our list of possible enhancements for RAP.

    Currently you can create a pass-thru function that calls StringReplace
    in Delphi. See the RAP demos for pass-thru function examples.

    Another option might be to implement an internal routine in RAP that
    performs a string replace using the existing Pos and Copy routines
    available in RAP.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2017
    Hi Jon,

    Please disregard my previous post. StringReplace was added to RAP for
    RB 15 so it is available for the latest version of ReportBuilder.

    I apologize for the confusion.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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