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Re: Subreport without DataScource but with own List?

edited February 2017 in RAP
Thanks for your message!

I'm using the german Version "ReportBuilder Enterprise Edition, Version 17.02 built 149".
Sorry, can't find any information concerning the Version of Delphi.

Difficult to answer for me. I'm using BeportBuilder as a built-in tool for a teachers tool for organizig the course-system of the school called Kurs42.
Maybe it helps you to understand, that I have no Data-tab, when ReportBuilder is open. Therefore I think I have very low rights for the DB.

If you tell me how, maybe I can find out more about Delphi-version and connectivity.

Thanks a lot,


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  • edited February 2017
    Hi Thomas,

    ReportBuilder contains the built-in capability to re-order the dataset
    as you need. It appears the developers of your product have restricted
    it. You will need to contact them for further support.

    Article: End-User Tech Support

    Please understand that Digital Metaphors can only provide tech support
    to the Delphi developers that purchase ReportBuilder. Digital Metaphors
    receives no distribution royalties from Delphi developers that embed
    end-user reporting solutions in their applications. It is the
    responsibility of the software publishers that sold you the product to
    provide you with tech support.

    There is an end-user tutorial called Learning ReportBuilder that can be
    downloaded from our web site for free. See the following article for
    more information.

    Article: Learning ReportBuilder

    Learning ReportBuilder is a complete learning system designed to teach
    end users how to build a range of reports. This system includes a
    125-page PDF file, a stand-alone application complete with a database,
    and a help file. The PDF file is comprised of a series of tutorials
    that step end users through the process of building reports as simple as
    a table listing and as complex as crosstabs. The tutorials also
    introduce conceptual aspects of report building along the way. The
    application is used in conjunction with the tutorials so that the
    learning experience is interactive. The end user just prints out the PDF
    file, runs the application, and learns ReportBuilder. The help file is
    accessible from the application, so all three tools work together to
    provide a seamless learning environment.

    Learning ReportBuilder installs into C:\Program
    Files\LearnReportBuilder. When the system has successfully installed, a
    complete set of instructions appears in the form of a 'ReadMe' doc, so
    the end user knows just what to do upon installation.

    - Download Learning ReportBuilder


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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