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Changing Datapipeline or Database name in RAP

edited September 2012 in RAP
I have a Group report comprising 4 groups
Each Group can have 1 to 4 records.
Each of these records has the same detail and format deriving from an SQL.
Each SQL is identical except each has a different database.

The tables are old Paradox Tables so we are using the BDE.

In summary at this point, all datafields etc are identical, the only
difference is the database. I have set in the BDE an alias for each

The Alias name is recorded in the table linked to the Report Dataset

So the present report structure is

Type of Entity
Entity Name .. can access Alias name here
Sub Report ... (Need Datapipeline.databasename set to the Alias.sql
where the alias changes)
Entity Name
Sub Report
Entity Name
Sub Report
Type of Entity
Entity Name .. can access Alias name here
Sub Report
Entity Name
Sub Report
Entity Name
Sub Report
I hope this is making sense.
I can identify the alias, no problem, how do I change the database name
of the SQL in RAP ?
How can I pass the Alias name?




  • edited September 2012
    Hi Mike,

    We have not tried this however I would suggest getting this working in
    Delphi first, then trying to move it to RAP. You will likely need to
    use a very "early" firing event such as OnInitializeParameters or
    OnBeforeOpenDatapipelines and a pass thru function to accomplish this.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2012
    Thanks Nico,

    Yes I came to the same conclusion and have started to work with
    OnOpenBefore... At the testing stage now .. Easy just set the sql and
    change the database/alias at run time.

    Never worked on "pass thru " before, so I may need you to give me some
    hints once I get to that point.


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