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Combining bold and standard text

edited August 2010 in RAP
Hi All,

I have to make a couple of reports that are form letters.

Each letter is going to be exported into .RTF, emailed to a user and then
they will add additional text, print and send.

A number of paragraphs have standard and bold text in them.

For example in the the following sentence the parts in () are to bolded:

"6. (if applicable) your average hourly overtime rate of pay during that
period (OR) was [DB Field];"

I could create several text field and place them next to each other, but
this doesn't work well when exported to RTF. I need the text to be in

If I just concatenate fields, I loose the original cell formatting.

So is there anyway to make just part of the text bold?

I'm currently using:

Memo6.Text := '6. (if applicable) your average hourly overtime rate of
pay during that period (OR) was ' + [DB Field] + ';'

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.




  • edited August 2010
    Hi Steve,

    Rather than using a TppMemo for the paragraph, try using a TppRichText
    component. The built-in RichText editor allows you to highlight and bold
    sections of text as well as many other nice text customization features.

    Out of curiosity, which version of ReportBuilder are you using? Are you
    using the built-in RTF device included with RB 12?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2010
    HI Nico,

    Thanks for the prompt response!

    Unfortunately we're currently using RB6.

    I had used a TppRichText component originally. But when the report is
    exported to a .RTF file the TppRichText fields are rendered as text boxes.
    These text boxes do not allign correctly with the other fields in Word.

    Also the reports are generated as letters which are modifed before being
    printed and the text boxes don't really work with that.


  • edited August 2010
    Hi Steve,

    The Memo component in RB can only display in a single font. I strongly
    recommend that you consider upgrading to the latest version of
    ReportBuilder. Not only does the built-in RTF device export as actual text
    (not text boxes), it has the capability of merging TppRichText objects
    directly into the exported output.

    If you are unable to use RichTexts, the RB 12 RTF device should also be able
    to handle piecing a paragraph together with separate components such as
    labels and memos.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2010
    Hi Nico,

    Many thanks for all your help, I'll lean on the relevant people to get a
    later build of RB installed!



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