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How i can Change index ( Table -> pipeline ) ?

edited August 2009 in RAP

im my report have a Table connect to Pipeline.

i get dataset from My Application , i can't do an SQL.

in RAP how i can access to method of my Table ?

Procedure globaloncreate

pipelineClient.IndexName := 'DESC' ???



  • edited August 2009
    Hi Enrico,

    To directly access an object in Delphi from RAP, you will need to create a
    pass-thru function. Take a look at the demos located in the \Demos\0.
    RAP\1. Main\... directory for some examples of how to do this. There are
    also step-by-step examples of creating and using pass-thru function in the
    Developer's Guide included with ReportBuilder.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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