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Report to Excel with Text fields

edited May 2008 in RAP

Is there a way to force Excel to read a field as a "text" instead of
numbers when exporting a report to excel?

Or is this excel related and not report builder related?

My employee ID's are strings, and sometimes start with a 0, excel
removes the Zero and shows it as a number.
When I put a ' in the report before the 0 in the field excel reads it
as text but shows the ' ...

Can someone help?


  • edited May 2008
    Hi Chantal,

    You might try contacting the third party company that provided the Excel
    export software for a quicker answer.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2008

    I found it, if anyone else kan use this, you just have to use a Richt
    text object instead of normal text field...

    They are always sent to excel as text (with TExtraDevices export from
    the report builder).


    On Fri, 16 May 2008 12:08:37 -0600, "Nico Cizik \(Digital Metaphors\)"
This discussion has been closed.