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RAP report using a single query to use 3 level nested groups not working

edited February 2004 in RAP
Hi all,

We have a report that displays a monthly balance sheet which has 3 nested
groups with totals for each group etc. we have a single query which has each
grouping field in order to allow the data to traverse through the list in a
structured order....the problem is that once it reaches the first 3 levels
all remaining records are listed regardless of groupings....

example of data
Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, account, amount, etc
Assets, Current, Cash, Pettycash, 1250 ...
Assets, Current, Cash, General Cheque Account, 12191...
Assets, Current, Accounts Receivable, Trade Debtors, 70267...
Assets, Current, Other Current Assets, Inventory, 72889...
Assets, Non-current, Fixed Assets, Plant & Equip - at cost, 34899...
Assets, Non-current, Fixed Assets, Plant & Equip - Accum Depn, 147530...
Assets, Non-current, Fixed Assets, Motor Vehicles - at cost, 88172....
Assets, Non-current, Fixed Assets, Motor Vehicles - Accum Depn, 38611...
Liabilities, Current, Accounts Payable, Trade Creditors, 1886...
Liabilities, Current, GST, GST Payable, 91843....
Liabilities, Current, GST, Sales Tax Payable, 87918...
Liabilities, Current, Other Current Liabilities, PAYE Payable, 34752....
Liabilities, Current, Other Current Liabilities, Superannuation Payable,
Liabilities, Current, Other Current Liabilities, Deductions Payable, 0...
Liabilities, Current, Other Current Liabilities, Deposits Received, 0...
Liabilities, Non-current, Debt, Issued Capital, 0.....
Equity, Reserves, Retained Earnings, 0....

The report is formatted in sections as follows;

Group Header(0): Field 1
Group Header(1): Field 2
Group Header(2): Field 3
Group Footer(2): Field 3
Group Footer(1): Field 2
Group Footer(0): Field 1

Expected output needs to be;
Pettycash, 1250 ...
General Cheque Account, 12191...
Cash Totals ....
Accounts Receivable
Trade Debtors, 70267...
Accounts Receivable Totals...
Other Current Assets
Inventory, 72889...

Other Current Assets Totals...
Current Totals....
Fixed Assets
Plant & Equip - at cost, 34899...
Plant & Equip - Accum Depn, 147530...
Motor Vehicles - at cost, 88172....
Motor Vehicles - Accum Depn, 38611...

Fixed Assets Totals.....
Non-current Totals...
Assets Totals...
Accounts Payable
Trade Creditors, 1886...
Accounts Payable Totals...
GST Payable, 91843....
Sales Tax Payable, 87918...
GST Totals....
Other Current Liabilities
PAYE Payable, 34752....
Superannuation Payable, 1500....
Deductions Payable, 0...
Deposits Received, 0...
Other Current Liabilities Totals....
Current Totals....
Issued Capital, 0.....
Debt Totals...
Non-current Totals...
Liabilities Totals...
Retained Earnings, 0....
Reserves Totals...
Equity Totals...
Equities Totals...
Grand Totals.....

Has anyone encountered problems with nested groupings like we have?

Thanks In Advance


  • edited February 2004

    There are no known issues with Groups in ReportBuilder 7.

    ReportBuilder relies upon the data being sorted in the proper order. Your
    description indicates that the data is ordered properly - perhaps double
    check this.

    The Group.KeepTogether option is limited to being applicable to only one
    group in a given report/childreport. Chck your group settings and adjust if

    As a test try commenting all event-handler code associated with the report.
    Make sure that you do not have any code that manipulates the dataset in any
    manner while report is executing. This can cause the report engine to get

    If you would like to create a simple, minimal example that demontrates this
    issue, you can e-mail it to support@digital-metaphors.com and we can check
    it out here. Please use standard Delphi components, ReportBuilder, and
    either paradox or MS Access tables.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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