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Changing the printer...

edited December 2003 in RAP

I try to change the printer of a report in RAP.
In the OnStartPage event I set:

Report.PrinterSetup.PrinterName:='New Printer';
Report.PrinterSetup.Orientation:=poLandscape; {poPortrait }
Report.PrinterSetup.BinName:='Fach 1';

But when I print the report, it always use the printer that was set in the

Best Martin


  • edited December 2003

    1. PrinterName

    Once the report starts printing, aWindows print job is created for the
    specified printer. You cannot modify the printer name once the print job has

    The Report.BeforePrint event can be used to modify the printer name, but due
    to timing you have to access the report engine's Page.PrinterSetup rather
    than the Report.PrinterSetup. To set the PrinterName you should use one of
    the entries in the PrinterNames[] array.

    For example:

    myReport.Engine.Page.PrinterSetup.PrinterName :=

    First get this working in Delphi code. Then create a custom RAP pass-through
    function that you can call from RAP.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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