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Plain Search field, not Autosearch

edited September 2002 in RAP
Using RAP I'd like to set the value of a searchfield to the tag value for
the current report.

I can do this with an Autosearchfield but I don't want this field to show to
the end user. I have other AutoSearch fields do want shown so I can't just
turn the dialog off.

Is there such a thing as just a search field and how do I access it from RAP
without a pass-thru to Delphi?

Jon Gray


  • edited September 2002
    Yes, you can create search criteria in DADE without specifying it as
    autosearch. There should be an Autosearch check box when you create the
    criteria object in the query designer. If this is unchecked, then you have
    a search criteria that is not an autosearch criteria.

    Now that you have a search criteria which is persistent on the dataview, you
    can set the value at runtime from RAP via a RAP pass through function.
    You'll have to extract the datamodule, find the dataview, extract the SQL
    object and then extract the search field object. Here is an example which
    extracts the TdaSQL object and performs some useful operations on it in
    Delphi code.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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