Printing a single record based on its ID.

edited February 2007 in DADE
I am trying to print a singe record in my table based on it ID. I have a
table named PostJob and a autoID. so i only want to print the ID . I am
useing Delphi 7.
Thanks for reading or helping.


  • edited February 2007
    Hi Grant,

    This can be done in DADE by simply selecting the table and fields you would
    like in your report, then defining a search criteria limiting the query to a
    single record. This can be accomplished both in the Query Wizard and the
    Query Designer.

    For more help with DADE, I would recommend taking a look at the
    ReportBuilder Developer's Guide located in the \RBuilder\Developers
    Guide\... directory. There is also a learning ReportBuilder application
    available from our website at the following address.



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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