Linking to a calced field

edited August 2005 in DADE
I tried many thing, but didn't get it really to work.

I need to link two tables (in the Designer per drag and drop) and one of
this field has to be a calced Field. (The SQL works, this is no problem, but
the Report Designer has Problem with this)

In daSQL.CopyLinkableList i removed the line which checks for linkable
fields. Now i have the calc field in the Window and can select it, but the
Magic SQL didn't get it work.
If i rewrite the Magic SQL to get this work, did i get anywhere else a
problem ?

Useing RB7.03

Is it possible to link to tables in the Designer, if one of the table has a
manual edited SQL Statement ?



  • edited August 2005

    Simplest solution is to programmatically linke the two DADE datapipelines


    I do not recommend modifying the MagicSQL generation. (It is complex and has
    to handle many different linking cases. It is easy to break the code. Or
    code a fix for one case, that does not work for many others).

    It is currently no possible to visually link manually edited SQL dataviews.
    The solution is the same as above - write code to link them.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2005
    Linking the SQL Dataviews programmatically is no solution for us, we has to
    link them in the Report Designer at Runtime, we have no choice !

    Can the newer Report Builder v9.0 do this ?

    If not, i have only the two possibilities, rewrite the Magic SQL Generator
    (But ther i have the problem that we don't have the source for the RAP and
    if i change the declaration fo one class, i can't compile anymore - Because
    the RAP with compile with an other Version .... )
    Or searching an other product?for this situation, but it is not very
    satisfactory to have two Report Generation Products (If i find one whcihc
    can handle these points)

    Is there an option to replace the whole SQL Designer from Report builder
    with my own ?

  • edited August 2005

    For future reference, please use your real name when positing. And post to
    either the newsgroups or support@digital-metaphors.com but not both.

    1. RB 9 has a new Report.BeforeOpenDataPipelines event that occurs prior to
    the data being initialized. It could be used to call a custom RAP function
    that links the pipelines.

    2. You cannot modify the Interface section of a unit that is used by RAP.
    But you can modify the Implementation section.

    3. You can create custom dataview classes and they can optionally have
    custom data designers (i.e. query tools). See the DADE thread of the Tech
    Tips newsgroup for an overview of the architecture. See
    RBuilder\Demos\Enduser\Custom DataViews for examples.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.