Magic SQL and Group By

edited November 2004 in DADE
I am having a small problem with a master/detail link in data manager. I
have two queries that both contain a groupby and summary on a table that are
on the same table. The details query due to Magic SQL tries to add the
groupby from the master query but as this is the same as the one already
present it causes a problem.

Is this problem the same in version 9.

Also I have tried to use the trial for v9 enterprise with D7 but I get a
access violation in the data tab when I select new from the menu

Andrew Bexon


  • edited December 2004

    The following example shows how to programmatically link the pipelines, thus
    no magic sql will be generated.


    This is not changed for RB 9. For the issue with the Data workspace, you
    might try checking DataSettings by selecting File | DataSettings from the
    Data workspace.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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