TTable based DataViews

edited February 2004 in DADE
I've got an implementation of RB working beautifully with an application
using NexusDB and I'm very pleased with it. Now I want to dump Crystal
Reports dependency (oh joy!)in my other main app, which uses Paradox
(alas!). The trouble is that query based data retrieval is just far, far
to slow on large paradox tables, esp. in reports which may have many
master-detail levels and lookups in them. So I thought about writing my
own DADE extension, and reading the help suggested that DataView Templates
could be a solution. But they seem to be query based as well (or at least
the master table is), with the main class in the demo defined thus:

TdvCustomTemplateDataView = class(TdaBDEQueryTemplateDataView)

Am I thinking about it in the correct way? Is there another root?
Ultimately I would like users to be able to create new reports from any
tables they want, but if I have to supply a suite of template data views
then that would be a fair compromise. I don't mind putting the work in
(anything to get away from CR) as long as I can get a flexible table based
solution. Any pointers?



  • edited February 2004

    You can create TTabase based custom dataview. It is true that we used
    QueryDataViews for the master query and then linked in additional tables.
    But you could define the master dataset as a TTable.

    You may want consider dumping paradox altogether....

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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