Controling Execution of Different Datasources and use results for one into another

edited February 2004 in DADE
Would it be possible to

First execute DADE(1), and then set some of the results of this query into
the searchvalues of DADE(2).

This means for me that i will have to control the order of the dade
components from out of rap. I do not want to use 'regular' delphi code on my

If so, is there a example doing this ??


  • edited February 2004

    When the report engine initializes, it opens all of the datapipelines. There
    is no way to control the order.

    You can join tables or link dataviews - perhaps using a join would work.

    Another approach might be to create a custom dataview. A custom dataview can
    contain multiple datasets and multiple datapipelines. See
    RBuilder\Demos\EndUser\Custom DataViews. Even with this approach, if you use
    a datapipeline thought, I think you may still encounter a challenge of not
    being able to control when the report engine initializes the datapipelines.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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