DADE SQL generation

edited January 2004 in DADE

When selecting a table or fields in the query designer, in the background
the corresponding SQL statement is generated.
I would like to have control over the generated sql statement.
so what I basically want to do is change the SQL statement myself when the
'ok' button is pressed in the query designer.

Where do I find these procedures? What do I need to override.

I ask this, because I'm busy creating a DADE plugin to work with Remobjects
Data Abstract. Here I have definitions of DATables which are not really the
same as the underlying database table names.
For now, I can already access them and preview/print/load/save the report,
as long as I don't change any tablename or fieldname.

Wouter Devos


  • edited January 2004

    The QueryDataView.SQLChanged method is the place where the generated SQL
    text is assigned to the TDataSet descendant. For an example see daADO.pas,
    the TADOQueryDataView.SQLChanged method.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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