DriverName error

edited December 2003 in DADE
Having set up data settings (without using a dictionary) and then try to
access table, fields etc, I receive a 'missing DriverName property' error.
Why is this occurring?
I am puzzled, how does DADE know which database I wish to access as it is
not defined in data settings?

Ray Metcalfe
Community Service Systems


  • edited December 2003

    You need to add a connection component to your Dephi form, configure the
    connection component to connect to a specfic database, and then set the
    Designer DataSettings to reference the connection component. For BDESession
    you use TDatabase, for ADO use a TADOConnection, etc. For examples see
    RBuilder\Demos\EndUser DataBases.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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