streaming custom published propertys on TdaDataModule

edited December 2003 in DADE

I have added two extra published properties to the TdaDataModule, that I
read while the user is designing the data views.

eg TdaDataModule = class(TppReportModule)
property MyPropString: string read FMyPropString write
FMyPropString ;
property MyPropInt: integer read FMyPropInt write

I was hoping that they would automatically be saved into the Template when i
use the TdaDataModule.Template functions to save the template to file. The
good news is they are saving OK, and i can see them if i save it as ASCII,
however they do not load back from the stream???

Below is the Template file after saving blank data module from data design

object TdaDataModule
MyPropString = 'Cameron'
MyPropInt = 1

I am not too familiar with component streaming, but is something configured
inside the Template.LoadFromDatabase function to not stream back custom

any help is greatly appreciated
Cameron Hart


  • edited December 2003
    No need to answer this anymore, but it may be of interest to others. after
    looking into the source in a bit more depth i found that you transfered a
    temporary copy of the datamodule into my datamodule.

    Therefore to get it working i had to add a overrided Transfer procedure into
    the TdaDatamodule that also copies my custom fields.

    following along on the example i gave in the first post, here is the
    transfer code

    procedure Transfer(aSource: TppCommunicator); override;
    procedure TdaDataModule.Transfer(aSource: TppCommunicator);
    var lDataModule : TdaDataModule;
    inherited Transfer(aSource);

    lDataModule := TdaDataModule(aSource);

    FMyPropString := lDataModule.FMyPropString;
    FMyPropInt := lDataModule.FMyPropInt ;


    hope this helps someone

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