
edited September 2003 in DADE
When trying to use the example Jim sent me (sorry, i was out for several
weeks) i can make it run. Whitin my own app, also editing @ runtime he
refused the compile the CreateAutoSearchField. i'm getting a Undeclared
Identifier Error.

I've checked all pp- and ra- and da- modules, all the ones included in the
example are in my code. Any suggestions ???

unit Unit1;


Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, DB, ADODB, JPeg, StdCtrls,

ppComm, ppRelatv, ppProd, ppClass, ppReport, ppCtrls,
ppVar, ppPrnabl, ppBands, ppCache, ppModule, ppDB, ppDBPipe, ppParameter,
ppCTMain, ppEndUsr, ppFormWrapper, ppCTDsgn,

daDataView, daQueryDataView, daADO, daSQL, daDataModule, daDatMan,

raIDE, raCodMod;

Best regards
Harry Leboeuf
Email Inversed moc.silopenik@fueobelh (For Spam-Reason)
Visit us at http://www.kinepolis.com
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