Report Builder / temporary tables

edited May 2003 in DADE
Hi there,

I'd like to setup a common model for my reports using DADE for MySQL.

I'd like the user to select what he wants to print. So my first idea was
to build a temporary table where he can select.(This way many users can
select different records to print at the same time).
This solution doesnt seem to work since ReportBuilder can't "see" the
temporary table.

So now my idea is to build a table with a unique name that would be
called from Report Builder data section.

exemple : I build my report with a real table called 'selected'.
Then at run time, I change selected to 'select192_168_1_102' for
instance. This table will have the same structure, of course.

so I have 3 questions :
1- Is there a way to force Report Builder to work with temporary tables
(I doubt this is possible)
2- If not, is my solution a correct one to do that ?
3- and if so, how can I change the report builder "table" names
dynamically ?

very best regards,



  • edited May 2003
    ReportBuilder can work with temp tables. The first option is to try to
    customize the DADE plugin to retrive the temporary table information from
    the database. See the GetTableNames method in your DADE plugin. Is there
    such a call on the connection object for MySQL that can return temp tables?
    If not, perhaps you can fire a SQL query to get back this information from
    the database.

    In order to change the table names, you'll have to use daMetaDataManager and
    call gMetaDataManager.Clear. This will remove the known tables and field
    names. Then you'll have to repopulate them the next time the query tools are
    used. Perhaps a better solution is to simply use two TppDataDictionary
    components instead of fooling with the meta data cache. One dictionary
    should be used for the temp tables, and the other for the real tables. This
    way you can switch the one that is connected at runtime. Then you'll have to
    access the dataviews that get created and change their table names. For
    example, you'll have to use this demo to extract the TdaSQL object from each
    dataview and change the TdaSQL.TableName and TableAlias property to match
    that found in the data dictionary for the real tables. Save a template as
    ascii with a dataview on it just so you can see the objects as they are
    stored and where the table names need to be changed on which objects. For
    example, here is a simple dataview I copied from an ADO query dataview:
    Change the TdaField and TppField object to use the new table names.

    object daADOQueryDataView1: TdaADOQueryDataView
    Report = ppReport1
    UserName = 'Query_Customer'
    Height = 313
    Left = 10
    NameColumnWidth = 105
    SizeColumnWidth = 35
    SortMode = 0
    Top = 10
    TypeColumnWidth = 52
    Width = 200
    AutoSearchTabOrder = 0

    object Customer: TppChildDBPipeline
    AutoCreateFields = False
    UserName = 'Customer'

    object ppField1: TppField
    FieldAlias = 'Custno'
    FieldName = 'CustNo'
    FieldLength = 0
    DataType = dtDouble
    DisplayWidth = 10
    Position = 0
    TableName = 'customer'
    object daSQL1: TdaSQL
    DatabaseName = 'ADOConnection1'
    DataPipelineName = 'Customer'
    LinkColor = clMaroon
    MaxSQLFieldAliasLength = 25
    SQLText.Strings = (
    'SELECT customer.CustNo, customer.Company, '
    ' customer.Addr1, customer.Addr2, '
    ' customer.City, customer.State, '
    ' customer.Zip, customer.Country, '
    ' customer.Phone, customer.FAX, '
    ' customer.TaxRate, customer.Contact, '
    ' customer.LastInvoiceDate'
    'FROM customer customer')
    SQLType = sqSQL1

    object daField1: TdaField
    Alias = 'Custno'
    DataType = dtDouble
    DisplayWidth = 10
    FieldAlias = 'Custno'
    FieldLength = 0
    FieldName = 'CustNo'
    SQLFieldName = 'CustNo'
    TableAlias = 'Customer'
    TableName = 'customer'
    TableSQLAlias = 'customer'


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003
    First of all thanks a lot for this really precious mail !

    I think I'd better try to use the temporary tables because my aim is to
    be able to change the fields at runtime... and if I understood your
    code, I end up with a "code limited" number of fields.

    1- Most of all I only need one temporary table (to select the records to
    print). [Maybe there's a better method to let the user select what to
    print but I really don't think so].

    2- Now I hope I can find a way to use the tempo tables since they dont
    appear when I design the report (?!?)

    3- I don't understand why is the table name not enough ? (if I make a
    design with a hard table then try to switch to the temporary table (with
    the same name), it doesnt work.

    Thanks a lot for your help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    best regards,


    In article <3ed4d50a$1@dm500.>, "Jim Bennett \(Digital Metaphors\)"
  • edited May 2003
    Create a little test app. All it should do is load a list of table names
    (including the temp tables) into a Memo on a form. This is what you'll have
    to add in the DADE plugin to be able to use the temp tables as real tables
    in DADE.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003


    Why not having another table with one extra column for user identification.
    That way you can create views (or selects) that returns the required fields based on
    a specific user. If you base your solution on CREATING/DROPING table you will have to
    deal with metadata update, and in some RDMS this could be a problem in terms of
    locking and resource management, not to mention that checking for an object existance
    is not as trivial as checking for a rowset existance and the user must have
    CREATE/DROP rights.

    I am using the "extra column" aproach and in some cases 2 extra columns when I need
    to maintain the rows ordered for a given user.

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