DADE doesn't forget Links when View is deleted

edited May 2003 in DADE
Hi guys,
RB 7.01
D7 Studio
Custom DADE for MySQLDAC

An End user was using the Data Tab to create a report w/ a child subreport.
They are a new user & messed up by linking the tables backward (master to
child). I corrected the problem by reversing the link. They then wanted to
change the link from option 2 (Left Outer) to option 1 (inner). When they
ran the report, the link still behaved like a Left Outer. I deleted the
Link & the master datview and recreated it, put the link back
w/option1(inner). It still behaved like a Left Outer. So then I deleted the
Link, Deleted both dataviews, Recreated them & changed their names slightly
(on the "SQL" tab) & it worked correctly this time like an inner join
should. Is there any way to make it forget the link info when the link is
deleted? (or maybe there is a problem with my custom DADE?)
-Dan Armstrong


  • edited May 2003
    Your DADE plugin should not handle the linking stuff, but rather just manage
    getting the info for connecting to the database, tables and fields. It
    should always perform an inner join when you are linking dataviews. Can you
    reproduce the problem using DBDemos data and the BDE? When you delete the
    links it should not remember them- they should be freed. Are you using the
    data dictionary?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003
    Yes, I'm using DD.

  • edited May 2003
    One thing I can think of is if Autojoin is true. Make sure you don't have
    backwards entries in the data ditcionary that would cause the Autojoin
    feature to automatically link the dataviews in the reverse order.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003
    Autojoin is false, I thought that only affected joins within each
    dataview -not the external ones that have the lines drawn between boxes. I
    didn't know the order mattered though. So TableName1 is the master in the
    DD join table?

  • edited May 2003
    A hidden feature of Autojoin is that it will work to autolink the dataviews
    when you create the dataviews in the right order so that instead of
    performing a join in a single dataview, it can also help to link master
    detail relationships.

    Yes, TableName1 is the master in the DD join table.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.