Advantage Database + Runtime Reports

edited May 2003 in DADE

We have created a number of reports which all run well in the end user
reporting tool using Advantage database. If however we save these as .rtm
files and then try to load and run the report using the following (which
works file for Paradox based reports)

ppreport1 := TppReport.Create(self);
with ppReport1 do
Template.filename := myrtmfile.rtm;
DeviceType := dtScreen;

the code fails because it is expecting a datapipeline. Even when we add
one to the form we still can not get this to work.

Advice greatly appreciated.


Philip L Jackson


  • edited May 2003
    Are you using dataviews in the report when connecting to Advantage? Make
    sure that when you try to load the template from that you include daADS and
    that you can connect to the Advantage database to get the data for the
    report. A reference to a pipeline is saved in the report template.

    When you want to create a report template that is not connected to a
    pipeline, simply unassign the pipeline from the report before you save it
    and remove the dataviews if you have any defined. Then when you load the
    template for a Paradox based reporting solution, you should be able to
    reconnect the report to a pipeline of your choosing because you do not have
    any dataviews saved in the template and no pipelines will be attempted to


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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