Font to tppComponent

edited April 2003 in DADE
Our user want a interface like TV (High Tech but low touch) by saying that
they don't want go to Designer AT ALL.
I took all the code out of the Query Designer Wizard and create a wizard
similar to your Query Wizard except I don't have Calculated Step in our
wizard which will be there in near future.I have added Format Step in our
wizard. Where I am allowing them to change the
A. Column Header Info they can change:
1.Header Caption
2.ColumnWidth(What is the unit of measurement?).
B. For Data Controls they can change.
1. Display Format (Which you guys help me working great now)
2.I need to Change the Font and here is a sample line of code I have
used and it's not working , I am missing some references here.

lComponent := TppComponent(lField.ReportComponent);
if lComponent is TppDBText then begin
TppDBText(lComponent).DisplayFormat :=
fReportFormatItem.DisplayFormat; //Your example help me to do this one
lComponent.Font.Assign(fReportFormatItem.DataFont); //Problem the RB
didn't change the font at all

Thank you


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