edited March 2003 in DADE
I just installed 7.02 with Windows 2K and none of the reports that use
DBISAM will compile. Where do I find instructions on how to configure
DBISAM support? thanks, LL


  • edited March 2003
    Please do not cross post.

    Please download RB 7.02 Build 2. Using this build, we are able to compile
    and install the rbISAM DADE plugin package into Delphi. You have to change
    the requires clause though to match your version of DBISAM. I have 3.17
    installed, so the requires needed to be changed to require db317d6d.

    If this doesn't help, the can you build our DBISAM end user demo? Check for
    multiple copies of daDBISAM for older versions which aren't compatible with
    RB 7. We did change the interface section of the dataview ancestor class to
    support thread safety for RB 7.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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