kbmMW and RB

edited January 2003 in DADE

Has anyone tried kbmMW with RB, is there a DADE available?

Best Regards

Simon Callcott


  • edited January 2003
    You can use any proper TDataset descendent with RB's data pipeline
    architecture. If the dataset supports bookmarks along with the standard
    traversal methods on the TDataset interface, then it should work with the
    Standard Edition of RB using DBPipelines on a form.

    We are not aware of a DADE plugin that used the kbmMW memory dataset. If one
    is not available you can adapt one that already exists for the other
    databases. Perhaps model it after the daDBBDE plugin classes to support the
    BDE or the ADO plugin. Look in the RBuilder\Source directory for the
    daDBBDE.pas file.

    Another alternative is to use a custom dataview template using a pipeline
    connected to an in memory dataset that you design. There is an example of
    creating a dataview like this in the RBuilder\Demos\EndUser\Custom Dataview
    Templates directory.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited January 2003
    Thanks Jim,

    I have already started a new DADE plugin for it, just a few issues to
    resolve. When its finished your welcome to make it publically available, in
    case anyone else might be interested.

    Best Regards

    Simon Callcott

  • edited January 2003

    Excellent! When you have it completed, please send a zip file to
    support@digital-metaphors.com and we can add it to the friends | data | DADE
    plug-ins page. :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.