Variant error on saving report

edited December 2002 in DADE
I'm using Delphi 5, ASTA 3, and RB 6.02. When using the Report Designer,
I am getting an illegal variant conversion error after saving a new
report. The error is tenacious and does not let me exit the program
normally. It has to be manually shut down. Checking the database
afterwards, the report has in fact been saved.

I recall other threads mentioning the importance of retrieving
autoincrement fields when using ASTA, and all of that setup is in place.
Any direction on where to look for a cause would be appreciated.

Mark Shapiro


  • edited December 2002
    Can you run a ASTA demo server with the ASTA RB End User demo project from
    ASTA's website? Which database are you using? If it is Interbase, then try
    setting ForcedRefresh property on the Interbase data access components on
    the server.
    Make sure to set the RefetchOnInsert property on the Folder and Item ACDS.

    You can test what RB does by using some code like this in a test project to
    see if you can get the auto increment field value back after a post. On the
    form I have a button, a DBGrid, the ACS and ACDS.
    Button1: TButton;
    AstaClientSocket1: TAstaClientSocket;
    DataSource1: TDataSource;
    DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
    AstaClientDataSet1: TAstaClientDataSet;
    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    liID: Integer;

    AstaClientDataSet1.FieldByName('FolderID').AsInteger := 0;
    AstaClientDataSet1.FieldByName('Name').AsString := 'DMTest';
    AstaClientDataSet1.FieldByName('Size').AsInteger := 1500;
    AstaClientDataSet1.FieldByName('ItemType').AsInteger := 1;
    AstaClientDataSet1.FieldByName('Modified').AsDateTime:= Now;
    AstaClientDataSet1.FieldByName('Deleted').AsDateTime := Now;

    AstaClientDataSet1.Post;//works like RB does
    // AstaClientDataSet1.ApplyUpdates(usmServerTransaction); will work instead
    of post


    procedure TForm1.AstaClientDataSet1AfterRefetchOnInsert(Sender: TObject;
    BookMarkList: TStrings);
    liID: Integer;

    liID := AstaClientDataSet1.FieldByName('ItemID').AsInteger;

    Showmessage('ClientAutoIncID: ' + IntToStr(liID));



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2002
    Thanks for your suggestions. I'm making progress. The apparent cause of
    the "invalid variant conversion error" was the fact that I had installed
    the AstaDADE package but had not properly compiled daAsta.pas and placed
    it in the RB Lib folder. Now I can save reports and am getting table and
    field name list boxes to populate when using the Query Wizard, something
    I had not seen before.

    However, when attempting to save the report just defined with the Query
    Wizard, I get a "no AstaClientSocket or it is not connected" error. In
    searching the newsgroup archives, I found a reference to this problem
    which suggested that AstaClientSocket.Active := false calls need to be
    commented out of daAsta.pas. Is that, in fact, the recommended fix?

    Also, just to be sure, are these the correct Designer DataSettings when
    connecting to an Adapative Server Anywhere 7 database through ASTA:

    DatabaseName - AstaClientSocket1
    DatabaseType - dtSybaseASA
    SessionType - AstaSession
    SQLType - sqSQL2

    Mark Shapiro
  • edited December 2002
    Those settings appear to be correct in comparison to the ASTA RB EU project
    I have running for other databases.

    What happens when you comment it out? Does it not work?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2002
    > What happens when you comment it out? Does it not work?

    I get no error but I also (this may or may not be related) get no data
    returned on the preview. If I can't get AstaDADE to work, can you
    suggest a Plan B? The clock is ticking on this project and I need to
    deliver an end user design solution to a customer.

    Mark Shapiro
  • edited December 2002
    About 1 AM this morning, I was looking through the Digital-Metaphors
    newsgroup archives for the third time and found a thread I had
    previously missed. A user in Australia described the disconnection
    problem I've been experiencing when running RB with AstaDADE and then
    trying to save a report created with QueryBuilder. He suggested that the
    Designer and Dictionary components needed their own dedicated
    AstaClientSocket when used in conjunction with AstaDADE.

    I did that and, lo and behold -- no errors and data flowing. I'm greatly
    relieved. I'd encourage you to add this solution to your FAQ for ASTA
    users. Also handy would be the other most commonly encountered problem.
    ASTA requires that item, folder, and data dictionary tables list the
    autoincrement field as a dataset property and that they be added to the
    RefetchOnInsert list to avoid "invalid variant conversion" errors when
    attempting to save a report.

    Mark Shapiro
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