Table Owner Name

edited November 2002 in DADE
Some days ago, I posted a message asking about how to not include the table
owner name in SQL generated by SQL Wizard. Someone answer me I?ve to use
DataDicitionary component.

However, if I do that I?ve to create the data dictionary, that is, add the
tables and fields to the database.

How can I make the wizard to create the SQL sentence without the Data
Dictionary component "drawback" ?




  • edited December 2002
    The DADE plugin is responsible for getting the table names. You'll have to
    modify your DADE plugin for SQL Server. I'll assume you are using ADO.
    Open up daADO.pas in your RBuilder\Source directory and find the
    GetTableNames method. Change the second parameter from False to True in the
    call to lConnection.GetTableNames(aList, True); That should do it.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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