Add WHERE clause at runtime

edited November 2002 in DADE

I'm looking for a sample to modify the SQL statement at runtime without
using the SQL.Text property.

I found this answer in this forum :

Aftert you get the values from the dialog, you'll need to extract hte SQL
object and add criteria fields via the TdaSQL methods. Here is an example
whihc extracts the sql object and adds search criteria. This way you won't
lose the query designer tabs. You'll only lose those if you edit the SQL as
text, which we aren't going to do in an example I'm going to email to you,
since our FTP server is down this morning.


Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors


  • edited November 2002
    Sure, here is an example which lets you modify the TdaSQL object at runtime,
    such as search criteria to build the where clause. The reason for
    manipulating the TdaSQL object using its methods and properties, other than
    setting the SQLText directly, is that you won't lose the query tools



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2002
    Sorry, my question was not clear.

    I have 30 dynamic views of datas in my application.
    Each view is dynamicly created at runtime.

    I use strings to store each line of my QueryView.SQL property.

    Txt_SQL := 'select * from ventes'

    User can manually apply filters. Each time, filters give a different WHERE

    Sample :

    fist time filter, there is no WHERE line.

    The user apply a filter to the order number :
    Txt_WHERE := 'WHERE code_vente = 1'

    On the same view, 2 minutes later, user change the filter. He remove the
    filter for the order number and decide to add a filter for the customer name
    Txt_WHERE := 'WHERE nom_client = 'DUPOND''


    So, as you see, the string txt_WHERE could be different.

    I want to pass this txt_WHERE into my report.
    So, my report will exactly print the same data as my grid.

    I can not use Criteria ... Unless you you have a function to convert SQL
    statement to criteria ...

    I really need to dynamicly change the SQL string of my report.
    I find no good answer in this forum. Each time this question is asked, you
    answer the same thing : "See
    This sample only show me how to extract the SQL statement. Not how to modify
    I can not use EditSQLAsText := True without destroying reports :-(((

    Any idear ?


  • edited November 2002
    You can add and remove criteria objects on the TdaSQL object. This is how
    you can control the generated WHERE clause. If you are adding the SQL text
    when you create the dataview, then you must edit the SQL text at runtime.
    Set EditSQLAsText to true on the TdaSQL object and set the SQLText property.
    If this breaks the reports, then you'll have to write a text parser to turn
    a WHERE text string into a criteria object that you then add to the SQL
    object as shown in the example. This way you can continue to use the query
    tools and visual query linking.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited November 2002
    Why ReportBuilder does not offer this function ?
    Many reports designers offer the possibility to change the SQL command
    without problem.
    Is it so hard ?

  • edited November 2002
    I'll make feature request for a new EditSQLAsTextLinking boolean property.
    I can see this as being useful if any the dataviews have their SQL edited
    and then you want to link them. As long as the SQL is ordered in the
    details to match the masters, then it will work. Thanks for the suggestion.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    Has there been any movement on this issue?

    I have a very similar situation where I need to add a where clause at
    report preview/print time. The clause is provided to me in text form
    and may contain sub selects with an "in" clause. I too have the
    common issue of making the report match the Grid.

    The text SQL could be simply "customer.id = 1234 " or it could be
    "customer.number in (select number from customer tab1 join city tab2
    on tab1.citynumber = tab2.number where tab2.name like 'A%')"

    I am using RB7.02, D6, daAsta with report explorer.

    I can take responsibility for ensuring that the added sql is valid
    (and to which dataviews to add it to in the case of master/detail - it
    is always relative to the master).

    If there has been no progress would you suggest I modify TdaSQL to
    support the appending of an additional where clause or do you have an
    alternate suggestion?

    Many thanks,

  • edited March 2003
    You can use edited SQL text in dataviews and link them at runtime. Here is a
    simple example of performing the linking after a report is loaded.

    In the end user environemnt, use the Report.Template.OnLoadEnd event to
    perform this operation. Do you know at runtime which dataview is the msater
    and which is the detail, and the linking key field names? If so, then use
    the technique used in this latest demo to find the dataviews:


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    The second one looks to be the ticket for me. The part I hadn't
    twigged to was the "ContainsSubSelect" property that allows the
    "inlist" criteria to pass through the subselect clause.

    I will try it out. Many thanks.

This discussion has been closed.