Problems Running With RB7 D6 DADE in windows 98

edited November 2002 in DADE
When I use daSQL unit or any other unit which name starts with "da" I
cannot run the application in windows 98.

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
Dialogs, ppClass, daDataView, daQueryDataView, daDBBDE, ppModule,
daDataModule, ppBands, ppCtrls, ppReport, ppStrtch, ppSubRpt, ppPrnabl,
ppCache, ppComm, ppRelatv, ppProd, daSQl, ppEndUsr, StdCtrls;

These are both error messages i get when i try to run the program in windows

Windows cannot run program because it is an invalid format.

The C:\xxx.exe appears to be corrupt.

I think it is a resource problem.

Thanks in advance.


  • edited November 2002

    Hi Nelson

    You've blown the Windows98 resource name table limit for a single Windows
    "module". I think there's a thread on it somewhere else in these
    newsgroups. Basically you will need to break you application up somehow. I
    tried DLLs which proved to have many problems so switched to runtime
    packages in the end.


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