Midas Date in ReportBuilder 7 issue

edited October 2002 in DADE
Hi there,

The daMidas unit from the ReportBuilder "friends" part of their
website that works great in Midas/ReportBuilder 6 no longer compiles
for ReportBuilder 7, apparently because of some changes to the
daDB.TdaDataSet class which daMidas inherits from (TdaClientDataSet).
Specifically, the TdaDataSet.SetDatabaseName procedure which it
overrides is no longer existent. I realise that DM does not
themselves support daMidas, but has anyone else encountered this
problem and if so what solution did they arrive at?

Thanks much, Alan


  • edited October 2002
    Yes, the interface section of the ancestor had to change to support thread
    safety for the RB 7 Server Edition. Essentially, the SetDatabaseName
    changed to SetDatabase. The standalone utility routines in the unit should
    moved to be located inside of the session class of each DADE plugin. For an
    example, compare daADO.pas from RB 6.03 to RB 7.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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