Advantage Data Dictionary Issue and Resolution

edited September 2002 in DADE
I've been evaluating ReportBuilder 7 against an Advantage Database and ran
into a problem with the daADS source that prevents using a data dictionary
that is specified by connection path rather than by alias name.

The problem is in the TdaADSSession.GetTableNamesFromDictionary function.
While the alias name property is passed from the AdsConnection component to
the data dictionary, the ConnectPath property is not. This results in an
error indicating that a connection string must be specified prior to

To correct the issue, add

lAdsDictionary.ConnectPath := aAdsConnection.ConnectPath;

to the TdaADSSession.GetTableNamesFromDictionary function prior to setting
lAdsDictionary.IsConnected to true. This will allow the AdsDictionary
component to connect to the data dictionary and retrieve the required table

Just thought I'd pass this along so that someone else won't have to deal
with the same issues.


Terry Swiers
Millennium Software, LLC

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