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pdf output of rich text

edited June 2011 in Devices
D7, RB 12.04

I previously used 3rd party product for pdf output. Was glad to see RB
support various output options and recently converted to use RB for pdf
output. I have a customer complaining about one thing in the RB output to
pdf. When the output includes rich text, they say it appears in the pdf
file as an image rather than text. They were accustomed to copying the
notes from the resulting pdf for pasting elsewhere. Now, they say it copies
as an image. I tested and found that to be the case as well.

I looked over the properties for pdf output in RB but do not see anything
that might effect this. In complete disclosure, I am actually using
Advanced DBRichText component. However, I suspect standard RB DBRichText
produces same results.

Any suggestions or thoughts on how I might satisfy this situation?



  • edited June 2011
    Hi Bob,

    All native RB components are exported as vector graphics (text, lines,
    shapes, etc.) when exporting as a PDF file. This means the native
    DBRichText is exported as text, not an image.

    If you are using a component that is not native to ReportBuilder it will
    automatically export as an image. If you would like it as text, it is
    up to you or the component developer to write the code that exports that
    component to PDF format. There are certain third party components such
    as TRichView who offer this feature.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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