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export excel format

edited May 2011 in Devices

i have d2007 application with Report Builder 12.04,

In footer band i have many shape that have into label and dbtext object.

when i export report with xls format file the footer band create shape
object, and under there are cell with label caption and dbtext value

There is some settings to create shape and parent object in rights mode
( first shape and after label caption and dbtext value ) ??

I send you example of invoice in pdf format and xls_report file

Best regards
Paolo Angeretti


  • edited May 2011
    This behavior is documented in the RBuilder topic for TppXLSReportDevice.
    Labels and DBText are exported to cells, with the dataype, format, and value
    being cell attributes. Graphical objects such as Shapes cannot appear below
    cells - that is a limitation of XLS.

    One option is to use the Report.XLSSettings to ommit the shapes from the XLS
    export. Another option is to Or conditionally set the Shape.Brush.Style to
    bsClear when exporting to XLS.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2011
    Thank you very much.

    I set Shape.Brush.Style to bsClear before print and when I exporting
    report to XLS now shape is background and label and text are in foreground.

    I would to ask why some text are exported outside of the shape parent

    I attached invoice example in excel and pdf format

    best regards
    Paolo Angeretti
  • edited May 2011
    You can download invoice xls from

    Paolo Angeretti

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