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AV after printing in 64bit virtual machine

edited September 2010 in Devices

I create reports for print with the classname like in the examples..

lFormClass := TFormClass(GetClass(cClassName));
lForm := lFormClass.Create(Application);
lReport := TrbReportForm(lForm).Report;

then I send them to printer:


then I destroy the class:


Now I would like to send to the MAPI Client with ..

lReport.EmailSettings.PreviewInEmailClient := True;

Now I ran into the problem with 64bit 2008 Server (virtual machine)
when I put the E-mail to Tobit...

I get an AV when destroying the "lForm" after printing..

I googled around and found at the outlook bugs that it would be a
quick&dirty idea to send a "Postmessage(Handle,WM_CLOSE,0,0)".. or
include a OnClose Event.

Indeed, it's working on the 64bit virtual machines..
Even, it would be possible to terminate the process by the windows api
directly with an terminateprocess.. ...
But I have no idea, why?

Maybe it's an api-Level counter blocked thread.. or just anything else
what I can't see.

Any idea is welcome.. at the moment I really have no idea how to fix
the problem without quick&dirty...



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