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Printer to a file

edited October 2004 in Devices

I would need to print a report to a file but not a textfile or PDF or so,
but a plain data file that contains the printer layout, such that I can copy
this file to the printerdevice afterwards.
I thought I figured this out some time ago (without any need to do any
modifications on the printer settings of Windows).

Or I must have dreamt I did this, or my intelligence is diminishing, but I
can't find it anymore.

We are using PRB Prof 7.01 with Waler components.




  • edited October 2004

    You need to set the FileName string property on the Report.PrinterSetup
    object, if you want to save the PRN file. It is a public property, so you
    won't see it in the object inspector. There are some articles in the
    TechTips newsgroup which provide information about controlling the printer-
    they provide some info on the printer setup class.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2004
    Thank you
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