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Screen Output + No Border

edited May 2003 in Devices

i wanna output a report to the screen without this dark grey border. I use
the TppViewer component in fullscreen output, and i changed the paper format
to the screen size. How can i hide this dark grey border? I only wanna show
the report like a PowerPoint presentation.

Best regards,

Joscha Ihl


  • edited May 2003
    This isn't supposed to be configurable. A TppScreenDevice object is created
    in the TppViewer. One option is to run a modified version of TppScreenDevice
    in order to support this at runtime. You could also create your own
    TmyViewer class which creates a TmyScreenDevice that is an altered version
    of our classes that you copied and modified. This way you don't have to
    modify our source. You should be able to create new a package and register
    you new viewer component into Delphi as well. In order to modify the source,
    search ppViewr.pas for 'DeadArea' and that should take you into the code
    where this is done. What you need to do is change liDeadArea to be zero and
    set the Report.PreviewFormSettings.ZoomSetting to zsPageWidth. That should
    cause TppScreenDevice.CalculateScaledPageSize to work how you would like it


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2003
    it works :)
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