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Emailing From Preview Screen

edited October 2002 in Devices
I am looking for the best solution to E-mailing directly from the
ReportBuilder PrintPreview screen.




  • edited October 2002
    The best bet (if the recipient is going to print the report) is to generate
    the report to PDF using one of the third party device vendors and then send
    that as an email attachment.


    http://www.pragnaan.com (has PDF and emailing capability built-in)

    http://www.llion.net (PDF only)

    If you don't want to use Pragnaan's email capability, then you can then
    create a TppPreview descendent that adds a new button on the toolbar to
    email the report pdf, report archive file (raf) or report emulation text
    file, as an attachment using Indy. Here is an example of modifying the
    preview in a descendent. The preview class has access to the Viewer, so you
    could access the Viewer.Report as a TppReport. Print to the pdf device and
    then send the pdf via email. You'll want to disconnect the screen device by
    setting the Viewer.ScreenDevice.Publisher := nil so that the screen device
    won't receive any pages during this process.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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