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Search Criterea

edited April 2009 in End User

We are using D7 with ReportBuilder 7.04
(We will be releasing a service pack for our product very shortly.
Therefore an upgrade of ReportBuilder is not viable at this stage, due to
possible implications with existing reports.).

We have been successfully creating reports for quite some time now by
pasting SQL directly into the QueryDesigner.
We would like to show our clients how to create their own reports, but
teaching them SQL is beyond the scope of what we think is feasible.
We believe that we can show them sufficient techniques using the QueryWizard
and QueryDesigner for most common applications.

Where we are running into trouble is the Search feature of the
For example, if we try to add a search criteria of:
EmploymentDate > #1999-11-25 00:00:00#
we continually strike a problem.
Whatever value we enter into the QueryDesigner, we get an error message
along the lines of :
Extra ) in query expression '('c' <> 'c' ) AND (( Employee.EmploymentDate
The documentation that I am working from suggests that the required format
for the date is #YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00#
Would you be able to indicate what the correct format is?

Robbert Wiegmink


  • edited April 2009
    Problem Solved.

    While comparing two RTM files (using a text editor) I found the Criterea

    Looking at this, helped me to workout that I only needed to enter the date
    without any quotes or other delimeters.


    Robbert. W

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