Home End User

Using lookupvalues in an end-user reporting application

edited September 2002 in End User
RBPro6.03 - Oracle 8i - Delphi 5

We make extensive use of lookup values in our schema and I can't workout how
you lookup these values using the end-user report writer. eg : In a table
that holds location records we have a field called Country in which we store
an abbreviation of the Country name (eg UK = United Kingdom), but obviously
in the report we need to display the full name. I guess this easy enough for
any reports that we hard-code, but for any end-users how do I get the report
to print United Kingdom instead of UK if the user decides to include field
on their report.

On a similar note. How does the AutoSearchDialog handle lookup values. Can
it display a combobox of possible values or does it require the input of the
storage value.


Jo Beaven


  • edited September 2002
    To provide this fireld to your end user, you can join the two tables
    together or create a linked dataview. Use the visual linking in the data
    workspace to link two dataviews. As an end user, if you give them a lookup
    dataview, they'll have to create a subreport which shows the lookup data by
    connecting the subreport to the detail dataview. If you join the tables,
    then the lookup datafield will be part of the dataview that is already
    connected to the report.

    You can create a custom autosearch dialog that shows lookup values. Here is
    an example we put together. It is in RB 7 format because it requires a
    change in ppForms.pas which isn't included in RB 6. This pas file is
    included so that it will work in RB 6.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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