Home Datapipelines

Error: Cannot generate report. Could not open DataSet: DBPipeline

edited October 2004 in Datapipelines

I'm getting this error in a subreport linked to a pipeline that sometimes
has no records to show and just in these cases the error message appears.
The DBPipeline is connected to an DevExpress MemoryTable and when it has
data records everything goes fine.

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance


  • edited October 2004

    When the report engine initializes, it will open each datapipeline used in
    the report. It will then check to see whether the DataPipeline is Active.
    Perhaps your dataset is raises an exception when DataSet.Open is called, or
    perhaps when the DataSet is empty the DataSet.Active property is returning
    False (an empty dataset should still return a Dataset.Active value of True).

    Modify your Delphi library path from RBuilder\Lib to RBuilder\Source. Set
    the debugger to break on Delphi exceptions. The debugger will open the
    source code at the point where the exception occurs. You can then examine
    the code and the call stack and see what's going on.

    See ppDBPipe.pas, the method OpenDataSet and ppEngine.pas, the method

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2004

    That was very usefull, now I've discovered that the error was caused by
    dataset related code, and it has nothing to do with RB.


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